
You only have to scan the bottled beer section on any large supermarket to see the vast range of beers available.  Not only from the large corporate brewers but also an increasing selection from plenty of the the small micro and regional brewers.

We should be thankful to the buyers in those supermarkets for bringing the range of styles and flavours to the wider audience.  A listing on the supermarket shelves for national distribution is a jackpot for the smaller brewer as it gives them the exposure they would not normally achieve.

With my list of recipes I hope to show you that most things are possible when brewing at home. While some beers are my interpretation of a commercial beer other are my variation on a particular beer style.  My own favorites are the darker, malty beers but i’ll try almost anything, at least once.  I have the unfortunate problem that highly hopped beers make me sneeze!  So a pint of winter warmer suits me better than something light and flowery from the gardens of Kent.

The best thing is that if a brew is not quite to your liking you have the ability to make the changes to get it right and even experiment.

Here is the Brewlog. Recipes produced with Promash til and of 2012 then moved over the to Beersmith2.

Gade Valley Summer Ale

Easy drinking session beer

Extract+flavour grains

Mix Unibrew

Brewed for a party when my son finally went to Uni.

Extract+flavour grains

Pheonix Export

First brew from re-installed kit at new house. 80/- style

May 2007

Very Wherry

First all grain full mash brew with new kit-
A clone of Woodfordes Wherry just a bit stronger.

July 2007

Chocolate Stout

Slightly amended Pops Stout recipe from JimBeerKit Forum
Actual brew was missing the crystal malt, :(

September 2007

Styrian Stunner

Single hop golden ale. The Styrian hops were low alpha acid at only 3% so the plenty went in this brew.

October 2007

Woodworm Ale

Premium bitter with a few new grains to try out.
Hopefully the new fermentation chamber will ensure a controlled environment with stable temperatures.

January 2008

Taffy’s Tipple

Regular special bitter. Nothing unusual so it should be a good benchmark.

March 2008

Old Perpendicular

My first attempt at Theakston’s flagship ale.
Yes another Old Peculiar clone.

April 2008

Wischick Bitter

National brewday - Fullers Standard quaffing ale
Chiswick Bitter

May 2008

Styrian Summer

Slighty tweaked ingredient to the last time this was brewed.
Less amber, more pale and more late hops.

July 2008

Rambling Bramling

Best bitter with homegrown Bramling X late hops
Should be an interesting experiment!

September 2008

1850 London Porter

Based on brewing recipe archives.
Something special for Crimbo.

October 2008

Dunkel Weisen Kloster

And now for something completely different!
Trying the new Danstar Munich yeast to see if it will give the classic wheat beer characteristics. Cloves and bananas, yeah!

February 2009

Hookey Street

Well respected (JBK) strong bitter with loads of EKG and Styrian to pack in a solid hop character.

March 2009

Minnow Mild

National Brewday 2009 - SS Minnow Mild

May 2009

Mad Lucas Ale

Mystery Special Bitter with unknown hops from a pub beer garden. Guessing the’re Bramling X.

June 2009

Styrain Stunner 3

Annual golden ale for the ladies!
Slighty germanic twist this time with Munich and Vienna malts.

July 2009

Hat and Cat Stout

First stout for ages. Loosely based on 4 shades from JBK.

September 2009

Very Wherry

Just fancied another crack at this - same recipe as Jul 2007
This is a first class brew and will be on the annual list.

February 2010

Fullers London Porter

Lengthy research indicates this is an authentic recipe.
If it turns out true to the original it will be amazing.

March 2010

Mix Marzen

Another new continental first. Oktoberfest Marzen.
Very tasty and very dangerous, just so drinkable.

April 2010

Scottish 80 Shilling

This years National Homebrew Day effort turned out very good and I think very authentic and true to style.

May 2010

Southern Star

Hophead time - using some high alpha hops.
Pacific Gem @ 14.5% from New Zealand.

June 2010

Independence Pale Ale

What else to brew on 4th July!
Classic cascade hop profile but less IBU for my palate.
*** UPDATE ***  This beer was Runner Up at the 2010 Craft Brewing Festival -  Category: Bitters, 1045 and above.

July 2010

1961 Celebration Ale

Imagine a blend between ESB and Hobgoblin
Should be ready for a birthday on 1st Jan.

October 2010

IRS-Siberian Crude

Imperial Russian Stout - brewing now for Xmas 2011

December 2010


Another new style - Belgian Witbier this time.
Must get a bottle of Hoegarden for comparison.

February 2011


Keeping with the new styles theme - how much smoked malt should you use? Lots is the answer, start with 15% and work up to suit your taste.

March 2011

Street Party Bitter

Tasty session bitter for our Wedding Street Party - 3rd place in Best Bitter category at the 2011 Craft Brewing festival

April 2011

Howard Hughes Ruby Mild

Two beers in one!  Had planned an oatmeal stout but only used half the amount of roast barley - so it’s a strong Ruby Mild and it got another award  - 3rd place in the Mild Category as above.

May 2011


Very similar to the Sarcazum - replaced the ginger with cumin seed in this one. First attempt was better.

June 2011


Copper coloured Oktoberfest. Testing a new White Labs yeast. WLP820 - Oktober/Maerzen

November 2011

Old Perpendicular

Slight change to the grain bill and a different yeast from last time.  Still very tasty and a classic copy!

December 2011

Monkey Magic

Something that has been on the ‘Brew-to-do’ list for ages. Belgian Trappist/Abbey ale. Using WLP530 yeast and the proper Dingemans malts. This is one for keeping.

January 2012

Meerkat Porter

Yes another Porter variation. One of my favorite beer styles. Of course it has brown malt - 20% in this one.

March 2012

Spicy Witbier

The ladies really like this style and you need to keep them happy. No cumin seeds and a different yeast - WB06 Weizen.

April 2012

Great Ocean Road

Antipodian Pale Ale - A combination of Aussie & Kiwi ingredients.
Inspired by a recent road trip!

May 2012

Diamond Bitter

Jubilee Best Bitter - at least the recipe is more imaginative then the name. Top class premium bitter.

June 2012

Weisshaus Weizen

Classic Bavarian Hefeweizen - WLP380 yeast is superb giving the typical clove and banana aromas.

May 2013

Gingerbread Brown Ale

Brewed for the December club meeting - theme this yearar - Randy Moshers 12 beers of xmas.


Farmgirl Saison

Time for another new style. Turned out very good.
Was the most popular beer at a recent BBQ.

June 2013